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Richard Serra (b. 1939), Courtauld Transparency #6, 2013
Martin Puryear (b. 1941), Lurk, 1984
Terry Winters (b. 1949), Botanical Subject #5, 1982
Susan Rothenberg (1945-2020), Untitled, 1977
Joel Shapiro (b. 1941), untitled, 2014
Donald Judd (1928-1994), Untitled, 1961-78
John Willenbecher (b. 1936), Untitled, 1962
Mark Bradford (b. 1961), Untitled (Suite of 6), 2012
Peter Halley (b. 1953), Untitled (Study for Apartment House), 1981
Sol LeWitt (1928-2007), Untitled (Fold Piece, Sixteen Squares), 1971
Phong Bui (b. 1964), Symphony #1 (for Meyer and Lillian Schapiro), 2022